
Freedom Life Center Church desires to see people connect to God through an intimate time of worship! We provide weekly opportunities for corporate worship and ongoing opportunities for our people to express the gifting God has given them in worship arts.

Worship is an integral part of the spiritual life of our congregation. It is our collective offering to God. Our Worship leader and team pray over every service, but it is the congregation that takes the structure and content and actually creates worship in partnership with God and the Holy Spirit.

Worship at Freedom Life Center is sometimes exuberant and sometimes quiet. It can be thoughtful and reflective or full of celebration and praise. At times we are drawn together in an experience of community worship and at other times we are encouraged to move into a personal inner journey. Worship is always the communal offering of people who aspire to express themselves according to the Spirit’s guidance.

Our worship services are sometimes complemented by graceful hand motions or dance that affirm the meaning of songs, digital projections to enhance worship and teachings, solos and special music from our gifted worship team and singers, and prayers for our members and for the many needs in our community and around the world.

We encourage people to worship in ways that are meaningful for them and to express themselves as they are led by the Spirit. Our congregation comes from diverse religious backgrounds, theology, beliefs and values. Those rich and varied perspectives on the Christian life are represented in song lyrics and words used by worship leaders, pastors and teachers. We invite you to join us in what God is doing in and through the Worship experience at Freedom Life Center Church!!